Dade finishes a year in Cornwall

(Photo by Ken Cashman) - On June 18, Terry Dade addressed the eighth-graders who were leaving the middle school.

The year went fast. Terry Dade still has a copy of the Local in his car. It’s the issue where we introduced him to our readers in Cornwall.

That was last July, a hectic month for the new Superintendent of Schools. No one knew what school would look like in September. Mr. Dade formed a task force, and distributed a survey to parents, faculty members and administrators.

He won’t have to do that again. But there are still some questions about the next semester Will people in school buildings have to wear masks? Will occupants have to observe social distancing?

The answers to those questions will be coming from the State Education Department, probably by the end of July. The superintendent has his preferences that may or may not coincide with the guidance he receives. But whatever the ruling, he’s ready to work with it.

“I feel more confident,” he admits, “that we can handle whatever is thrown our way I’m very proud that we kept our students and staff safe. There were lots of twists and turns, but very few cases. And almost all of them came from the outside. There was no spread.”

But the fear of a spread influenced the administrator in his first year in Cornwall. He limited the time he would spend in a classroom and the number of rooms he would visit. In case he was carrying the disease, he didn’t want to infect anyone.

During his first year on the job, Mr. Dade got to know a lot of people electronically. He received their emails instead of chatting with them in person. Don’t be surprised if that changes in the future. The superintendent enjoys people and is good at making them feel at ease.

Not every change in the past year was related to the school district or the pandemic. The Dade family has grown to include a one-year-old boy and a one-month-old boy. “I couldn’t be happier,” the proud father admits.

Another change is the family’s location. After renting last summer, the family bought a home on Angola Road, near Jones Farm. The superintendent enjoys the tranquility and the wildlife.

He also enjoyed seeing his first Independence Day Parade in Cornwall. He watched it from in front of Cornwall-on-Hudson Elementary School. And when it was over, he summarized his impression. “I saw what makes the community special,” he said.