Many looking forward to playing ball

(File Photo ) - Young baseball players are welcome onto the field on Little League’s opening day in Cornwall during a recent season. All ages of baseball players are ready to ‘play ball’!

It’s been a time-honored tradition for children to march down Cornwall’s Hudson Street, to the Little League field, dressed in full uniform and carrying a team banner. The annual parade was supposed to take place this Saturday, but the start of the season has been postponed until at least May 11. The mandate came from league headquarters, in Williamsport, Penn. last month.

The tentative start date has been relayed to parents, but Cornwall Little League President Lynn Beesecker doesn’t know what the season will look like, should it ever start at all.

“We’re looking to have as much of a full season locally as we can,” Beesecker said.

“Most important is to get the kids out there playing at whatever point we might be able to do that.”

It could mean playing a truncated season, or a full season without All-Star action.

Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, the 2020 Little League season was shaping up to be a promising one. Over 500 children had signed up from t-ball to senior. Beesecker notes senior baseball and senior softball had been among the weakest divisions as far as sign-ups, but had an increase in interest this year.

The weather was also cooperating. A mild winter allowed some coaches to start conducting practices before social gathering was prohibited.

Should the season begin in May, Beesecker said Cornwall Little League is prepared to start as soon as possible. Tryouts have been held and some drafts have already been conducted with players being assigned teams. Equipment and uniforms have also been ordered and are waiting to be distributed.

Whether the season will start with the traditional parade as it’s not known if there will be any restrictions on gatherings.

The goal, said Beesecker, is to, “give kids a chance to play ball. If we have to give up some things, then that’s what we wind up with.”

In the Town of Highlands, young baseball and softball players also typically kick off their seasons with a parade from Main St. to the Ed Lewis Field at Roe Park, and enjoy a full schedule of Opening Day activities.

Recreation Director Aaron Falk hopes it will still happen. He is leaving signups open for the t-ball, coach-pitch baseball, Little League and Ponytail League softball programs.

“We are planning to get a season in for every level of play,” Falk said Monday, “even if it means playing into the summer. I’ll leave the signup period open until this lock-down is lifted.”

Parents can register their children for any of the programs online at With any questions, call the Recreation Department at 446-4280 ext. 318.