Local artists will open their doors to tours

Vivien Collens
(File photo) - Vivien Collens will be among the artists to welcome visitors during the open studio tour sponsored by the Orange County Arts Council.

The open studio tour, sponsored by the Orange County Arts Council, continues on May 20 and 21 as artists in the eastern portion of the county will be showcased.

Over 20 local artists in Cornwall, New Windsor, Newburgh, Highland Mills, and Washingtonville will be opening their studios to the public from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

“This is a good opportunity for artists of all types to open their studios and visitors can talk to the artist, get to know their specific work, have conversations, and see behind the veil of the artmaking process,” said Cody Rounds, arts administrator for the council.

The adventure started last weekend as municipalities in the northwestern portion of the county were featured. A printable map, located on the arts council’s web site, directed participants to each location. A brief description named the artist and the medium in which they work. A separate page offers information about each studio, as well as contact information and a web site link to the artists’ own page.

About 70 artists in total are included in the tour, a majority of them are members of the Arts Council. For the first time, the opportunity to participate was extended to non-members.

Rounds explained the program is a benefit to both the artist and their visitors.

“They get to build a relationship with their audience,” she said. “They get to widen their audience and get a lot of exposure. There are many sales which are produced through the open studio tour. They get to network. They get promotion and marketing through the Arts Council and being part of the tour each artist promotes their own section.”

Artists are encouraged to set up their studio to really show off their work, as well as provide demonstrations.

Participants get a sneak peak at an artist’s work, as well as the inside scoop on the artmaking process. They also have the opportunity to see a variety of mediums including painters, carvers, furniture makers, and sculptors, among others.

The open studio tours also benefit the county through economic development and tourism.

The tour will continue on June 3 and 4 in the southern part of the county including:  Warwick, Tuxedo, Florida, Goshen, Pine Island, Harriman, Monroe, Sugar Loaf, Greenwood Lake, and Florida.