Victorian Tea trivia questions

BFF hosted a Victorian Tea at St. John’s Episcopal Church on Feb. 7. During the event, the following trivia questions were asked.


1. You are a lady and you’re making your morning calls to inform the lady of the house that you are there. You send your footmen in with calling cards. How many do you send in?

A. One of your own; your husband is not with you.

B. Two of your own and one of your husband’s.

C. One of your own and two of your husband’s

D. One of your own and one of your husband’s.

2. Social ranking was very important during the Victorian age. What is the correct order from highest to lowest: Viscount, knight, duke, baron?

3. What is the maximum number of dances a lady can dance with the same man? (A lady would have a card with the dances numbered so the man could sign which ones were reserved for him.)

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

4. What criteria makes it unsuitable for a lady to be without a chaperone in the company of a man?

A. Unmarried and under the age of 25.

B. Unmarried and under 30.

C. Unmarried no matter what her age.

D. Unmarried and under 35.

5. Imagine you’re a Victorian lady, which of these are you not allowed to wear in the morning?

A. A bonnet.

B. Diamonds or pearls.

C. White gloves.

D. Curls in your hair.

6. Arranged marriages were the norm in Victorian England, true or false?


1. B

2. Duke, viscount, baron, knight

3. B

4. A

5. B

6. False