Cutest sr. class couple still a couple

The High School Yearbook Committee decided that Elijah LeBron and Adriana Pietrobuono were the cutest  couple in the senior class.
The High School Yearbook Committee decided that Elijah LeBron and Adriana Pietrobuono were the cutest couple in the senior class.

They were easy to spot as they sat in the lobby of the principal’s office on the last day of school before vacation.

At the start of the term, the Yearbook Club had called them the cutest couple in the senior class. Elijah LeBron and Adriana Pietrobuono found out about the honor when the “Senior Superlatives” were posted in the high school lobby. Their names were at the top of the list.

Every fall, the Yearbook Club looks at the categories from the previous year and makes some changes. The list keeps getting longer, because the club members want to celebrate all the strengths of their class. (It’s fun to see the categories even if you don’t know the students.)

When we decided to share the list with our readers, we tried to think of a photograph to go with it. What better subject could there be than the class’s cutest couple!

So we arranged to meet them in the principal’s office. But was it a good idea? A lot can happen in a few months.  Was the class couple still together?

The answer was “yes.” You could tell just by looking at them in the lobby of the principal’s office. But we still raised the question. “I still like him,” Adriana smiled. And Elijah nodded in agreement.

Cutest couple: Elijah Lebron and Adriana Pietrobuono
Class cuties: Ryan Donovan and Vanessa Mazza
Best build: Sonny Schaffner and Tara Mirabile
Most school spirit: Marc Gomez, Shannon McGrade
Jack of all trades: Pat Havey and Rose Foody
Chatterbox: Jesse DeTeresa and Lexie Modlinski
Class flirt: Brandon Fienco and Patricia Hartnett
Biggest gamer: Ryan Evans and Jaclyn Clancy
Most athletic: Mike White and Alexandra Jurgens
Most likely to be famous: James Gillick and Rhiannon Guilfoyle
Personality plus: Roger SinClair and Brittany Malloy
Best eyes: Greg Cleeves and Ileanna LaGrutta
Class clown: Travis Murtagh and Catherine Eliasson
Most artistic: Marcus Louis and Taylor Summerfield
Most interaction with faculty: Carlo Sydow and Nicole Cast
Most likely to succeed: John Encke and Rumzah Paracha
Best dressed: Gavin O’Gorman, Amanda Sarchino
Best smile: Matt DeSouza and Ciara Bishop
Most musical: Matthew Suckling and Skyler Chuckry
Cell-phone obsessed: Donald Malone and Raine Faller
Most easygoing: Ryan Marlow and Olivia Wynne
Social media fans: Maxx MacRae and Nia Mitchell
Gnarly nicknames: Daniel LoBlanco and Shivani Patel
Most likely to appear on Broadway: Mike Donato and Brooke Garfinkel
Perfectionist: Branton Toback and Anna Frey
Most likely to be on reality TV: Anthony Luisi and Gina Castelonia
Greatest giggler (best laugh), Nicholas Migliore and Jacquelyn Galati
Most likely to travel the world: Nino Evren and Caldonia Noland
Most likely to join the Peace Corps: Benjamin Friedlander and Eva McGill
Best dancer: Scott Chatfield and Dabney Brice
Best friends: Christopher Burley and Brianna Williams
Most photogenic: Tyler Spagnoli and Megan DeGroat