Around Town Councilwoman shares her love of tennis September 28, 2022 Mary Jane Pitt Rokhsha Michael-Razi loves both tennis and fitness and wants to share those passions with everyone in Cornwall.
Around Town Skoufis makes use of courts September 15, 2021 Ken Cashman Senator James Skoufis was wearing his tennis shoes when he arrived at the courts next to Town Hall.
Sports How “50 Tips” changed to “14 Coaches” September 1, 2017 Ken Cashman Books can change as you start to work on them. It happened to Christopher Trieste. He wanted to provide tips for coaches. But as he did his research, he changed the format of the book he envisioned.
Baseball Dragon teams all win something April 28, 2017 Ken Cashman Playing almost every day last week, the Lady Dragons showed that their opening day win was an omen of good things to come.