A small group of veterans and public officials attended a program at the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the United States’ entry into World War I.
On the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor recalled the second-wave strike on the Hawaiian naval base.
The National Purple Heart Hall of Honor marked its 10th anniversary on Thursday, but the celebration was reserved for Saturday to accommodate guests who work during the week.
Sometimes when a Boy Scout presents his Eagle project, the first, or even the second attempt, doesn’t make it off the drawing board. Such was the experience of Brendan Gonyo who is seeking to attain the highest rank in scouts.
More than 500 tickets have been sold for tonight’s dinner at Anthony’s Pier Nine. The event, a fund raiser for the National Purple Heart of Honor, is likely to net more than $150,000 (including donations).
The USAT Dorchester was transporting troops across the Atlantic during World War II. A group of men were playing cards when one of them called out to Chaplain John P. Washington. “Bless my hand, father!” the soldier pleaded.
It’s hard to call someone a “pain in the neck” and make it sound like a compliment. But Sen. John Flanagan did it during a Sept. 8 visit to the National Purple Heart Hall of