The Greater Cornwall Chamber of Commerce proudly unveiled a new sculpture at Bridge Street Park on Main Street yesterday, marking the beginning of the highly anticipated Upstate Art Weekend (UPAW).
Since opening in 2004, Fiddlestix Cafe has become a legacy in Cornwall. When the Main Street restaurant closed in October, patrons were devastated, but the emotions would be short-lived.
In our last issue (Oct. 16, 2020), I told you about a busy day on Main Street. A week later the crowd moved east into Cornwall-on-Hudson. The occasion was the Village Wide Yard Sale.
Debuting on Labor Day weekend in 2016, the Car Show has been a double win for Cornwall. It entertains residents on the last weekend of the summer and it raises money for our first responders. In some years as much as $4,000 has been raised.
Cornwall has a lot of privately owned restaurants offering a variety of cuisine from Mexican, Thai, Chinese, to Italian food. But one thing it’s been lacking is a deli to purchase a quick sandwich for breakfast or lunch.