Around Town Central Hudson replacing poles May 12, 2016 Ken Cashman Did you notice the utility trucks on Main Street today? They may have slowed traffic. But they’re a welcome addition.
Government Special Town Board meeting May 12, 2016 Ken Cashman The Town Board will meet at Town Hall at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 17 and vote to go into executive session to discuss the wastewater treatment plant.
Around Town Taylor Road project starts next week May 11, 2016 Ken Cashman The county expects to start work on the Taylor Road Bridge (the one next to the Black Rock Fish & Game Club) on May 16 or 17.
Arts & Entertainment Poetry competition goes international May 6, 2016 Ken Cashman The award winners at the Timothy Mumford Memorial Poetry Contest change every year. But a part of the audience remains the same.
Baseball New Little League Event May 4, 2016 Ken Cashman Cornwall Little League will host two home run hitting contests on Saturday, May 7…
Around Town Rough way to start the morning May 4, 2016 Ken Cashman A 2016 Toyota operated by Anna Grote age 36 of Monroe was exiting the circle onto Broadway on Wednesday morning.
Around Town Hundreds to see Petraeus April 28, 2016 Ken Cashman More than 500 tickets have been sold for tonight’s dinner at Anthony’s Pier Nine. The event, a fund raiser for the National Purple Heart of Honor, is likely to net more than $150,000 (including donations).
Government Skoufis to seek re-election April 27, 2016 Ken Cashman After several months of consideration, Assemblyman James Skoufis has decided to seek re-election rather than run for the senate.
Cornwall Schools Maloney to speak at SKS graduation April 25, 2016 Ken Cashman Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney will be the featured speaker at Storm King School’s commencement exercise on June 4.
Baseball Little League memories April 23, 2016 Ken Cashman Years ago, the Major League Baseball Season would start with the President of the United States throwing out the first ball.