200 people attend Butterhill graduation

(Photo by Ken Cashman) - Emma Milich (left) and Jimena Nunez held the American Flag during the Pledge of Allegiance on June 21. The girls were part of the graduating class at Butterhill Preschool.

Preschoolers shine on stage June 21

For someone not familiar with Butterhill and not acquainted with preschoolers, there were two things remarkable about the June 21 exercises.

The celebration was elaborate. The four-year-olds wore caps and gowns as they entered the gymnasium under an arch that said “ABC123.” They mounted the stage while the guests sat at tables with place settings for the meal to follow – a repast catered by Brothers Barbecue with places set for more than 200 diners.

Also noteworthy was the performance of the graduates. After their grand entrance, they found their proper locations on the stage and treated the audience to a medley of songs. It was a lot for youngsters to memorize, but everyone participated. And, for the songs that featured hand gestures, everyone was together.

At the end of the medley, the graduates were called on one at a time to receive their diplomas. The youngsters occasionally waved to the audience and didn’t appear to be intimidated by the crowd. They got through the ritual without any coaching or hesitation.

For a first-time attendee it was an impressive evening to go with an enjoyable meal.