Life Had Just Begun

The Poetry in Crisis Class at Cornwall Central High School composed the following poem. The contributions of different groups are identified by a change in type style.

This is only a…

“I forgot my sneakers; could you drop them off?”

“No problem, sweetie, I will…”

“We’re in lockdown; have to go.”

“Get in here, now!”

“What’s going on? Shaking can’t move

Now when I have to move…”

Waves of emotion, pounding footsteps.

Are those doors slamming or rapid gunshots?

Yanked into a room. Is this only a drill?

The cell phone beeped in my purse in the office.

I didn’t hear it, but I WOULD HAVE LOST IT.

My day went on, reports being written.

Thinking of dinner, carpool to practice and grocery shopping.

My co-worker sprinted into the cubicle,


High school, and she wasn’t kidding.

My heart dropped

    Eyes whitened.

I check my phone and my daughter had written:

“Don’t know if I’ll make it, Love You”

I called, pleaded and begged for her to respond,

But all that was left was a dial tone.    

I smile as a friend points out to me

That there is a dog in the room.

They text their parents as they hear

The sound of gunshots moving closer.

I think to myself that I might get out of taking a quiz.

They think that they may never see their friends again.

I try to remember if I have a practice tonight.

They try to remember if they said “I love you” to their parents.

I get up and walk to the next class.

Some of them may never get up.

I had a project to present after lunch.

I had practice after school.

I was supposed to go on a Valentine’s date tonight.

I had a college visit this weekend.

I had a game plan written for Friday.

I had plans.

Now I have no future.

Columbine, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, Parkland

How many more? When will it end?

89 angels and still no change.

All so young…

Life had just begun