In its first full year under new management, NYMA observed a milestone on Saturday, Sept. 24. Its students became cadets in a ceremony in the gymnasium.
Supt. Jie Zhang said the event would have been held on the parade grounds if the school had received complete uniforms for the people who enrolled at the last minute. But a few of the latecomers were missing caps, which would have kept them from participating outdoors.
About 30 students stood in formation on the gym floor on Saturday morning, with parents and faculty members filling the stands. Town Supervisor Richard Randazzo attended the event with Deputy Supervisor Helen Bunt and Councilman Peter Russell.
At the end of the program, students received pins signifying their acceptance as cadets. Parents and others did the pinning, which was almost as difficult as fixing a tie on someone else. Even Master Sgt. Bailey, who has presided over many of these ceremonies, needed a few extra seconds to add a pin to a cadet’s lapel.
After everyone was pinned, the cadets marched outside and joined their families for lunch. The occasion was another step forward as the school continues to rebuild.The trustees have asked thousands of real estate agents in mainland China to help them with recruiting. The academy has invested $750,000 in roof replacements, and has outfitted buildings with new safety systems. The school plans to upgrade its dormitories.
The pinning ceremony occurred less than four weeks after the students arrived on campus. There was a noticeable change in them. They stood straighter and marched like a military unit. Master Sgt. Bailey, the commandant, said they still had a long way to go. But he promised that training would resume on Monday morning.