Cops crack down on riverfront parking

Around Village Hall

SCBA. Storm King Engine Company #2 is anticipating the expenditure of $45,000 in 2020 to replace their Self Contained Breathing Aparatus.

Riverfront parking. Over the weekend Trustee James Kane spotted a number of vehicles at Donahue Memorial Park without parking stickers. Kane called Police Chief Steven Dixon and an officer was later dispatched. Dixon reported 12 tickets were issued through Sunday evening.

Kane recommended regular sweeps of the parking lot, and Dixon said he’s already stepped up enforcement both for security purposes and to issue tickets for any car in the lot without a sticker. Kane also asked the chief if his monthly reports could break out the number of tickets issued at the riverfront. Dixon said 95 percent of the parking tickets written stem from the riverfront. Although parking passes are sold at Village Hall during the week and certain shops on weekends, Mayor Brendan Coyne said he’s been looking into a machine that would dispense the stickers. The cost would be $10,000 with a $2,000 annual fee. The board briefly considered hiring someone to sell permits at the riverfront, but that could be just as costly.

Tank replacement. The Department of Public Works has a calcium tank, at the Shore Road complex, used to fill trucks with brine to treat roads in the winter. The  near 25-year-old pump needs to be replaced. DPW Superintendent David Halvorsen said the tank will be moved away from the road and put near the salt shed, out of view. He said the nearly 2,000 pounds of calcium needs to be pumped from the tank. After which the valves will be changed, the tank moved to its new location, a new house installed and the pump replaced.  The cost will be about $3,800, which would be taken from the snow expense line.

New garbage cans. Halvorsen ordered 12 bins (six for garbage and six for recyclables) to be placed at Donahue Memorial Park.