Books can change as you start to work on them. It happened to Christopher Trieste. He wanted to provide tips for coaches. But as he did his research, he changed the format of the book he envisioned.
The couple joined the others waiting in front of the Cinnamon Snail Food Truck. Then they turned and apologized to the people around them. The line was much longer than they realized.
Dr. David Kashinski is a professor of physics at West Point. When he was eight years old he viewed an eclipse without any protective glasses. That night he experienced the traditional symptoms — light sensitivity, watery eyes, blurred vision.
The Town Board will meet at Town Hall at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 3 and vote to go into executive session to interview candidates for the Buildings and Grounds Department.
After almost 40 years in the state legislature, Sen. Bill Larkin still likes to share good news. So when he was able to secure a $40,000 grant for the Cornwall-on-Hudson Police Department, the senator picked up the phone and called the chief.
When the email came last summer, we could think of several reasons why Dragonfest wouldn’t work — the organizers started late, they picked a busy weekend, and no one knew what Dragonfest was. Despite our